She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
Women were designed for relationship, we crave and thrive in it! There are many in our lives, from spouses to family, or those of a good friend. However, most importantly with our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Here at FLC we want you to have the ability and resources to build your relationship with Jesus, and to connect with each other.
When your life suddenly drops into a valley or soars to the highest mountains, close relationships are where we turn. Jesus is who we turn to in celebration or sorrow, but our desire is that the friendships you have built here compliment His loving arms.
We pray that this ministry is designed to facilitate the building of Godly relationships, to help you discover your confidence in who God made you to be and to encourage your daily walk with the Lord.
We look forward to getting to know you.
Here at FLC we want you to have the ability and resources to build your relationship with Jesus, and to connect with each other.
When your life suddenly drops into a valley or soars to the highest mountains, close relationships are where we turn. Jesus is who we turn to in celebration or sorrow, but our desire is that the friendships you have built here compliment His loving arms.
We pray that this ministry is designed to facilitate the building of Godly relationships, to help you discover your confidence in who God made you to be and to encourage your daily walk with the Lord.
We look forward to getting to know you.